Reusable Computation
Pop(plæ)r Protocol: Tools for working with reusable code and data objects
What is this Pop(plæ)r Gibberish?
Just call it "Poplar".
Pop(plæ)r is a superposition of Poplar and Popper.
Poplars are single organism forests full of trees in which every trunk is part of the same root network - an analogy for how the visible artifacts of science (papers, research groups, conferences) are the tangible manifestations of a global connected enterprise.
Karl Popper worked on the philosophy of science, and is known especially for exploring falsifiability as a precondition for the advancement of knowledge. We think that decentralized knowledge representations, like Pop(plæ)r, can help generate falsifiable theories and speed progress in the growth of knowledge.
Is there an open implementation somewhere?
Looks complicated. Is there a tool where I can just use it?
Last updated