Data Structures
Pop(plæ) version 1.0.1
Script Object
A JSON object with the keys below. This is divided into two parts: the script content which is meant to be cryptographically verifiable, and script metadata such as version and provenance information. While the metadata may affect the interpretation of the script content, it does not affect its execution.
script_content : object with keys:
name: human-readable name (str)
script_id: identifier starting 'sc_' (str)
inputs: array of port_objects
outputs: array of port_objects
functions: array of function_objects
connections: array of connection_objects
git_info: object with keys
commit_hash (str)
diffs: array of strings
remote_url (str)
repo_name (str)
branch_name (str)
commit_message (str)
commit_author (str)
commit_date: timestamp (int)
script_path: path to the script file from the repository root (str)
entry_point: command to run script (str)
execution_method: default method where this script is expected to be run chosen from the Execution Method Table (str)
execution_params: object with keys defined in the Execution Method Table based on execution_method
environment: execution environment chosen from the Environment Table understood to be a default environment for running the script (examples: 'anaconda', 'docker'; str)
environment_params: object with keys defined in the Environment Table based on environment value
resource_type: 'script'
protocol_name: '' or 'Pop(plæ)'
protocol_version: '1.0.1'
description: human-readable long description (str)
preview_image: object with keys
img_cid: content identifier of a preview image
mime_type: type of this image (str)
author: array of objects with keys
name: str
id_cid: CID of an id_object
timestamp: timestamp (int)
script_content_string: stringified version of the script_content object
cid: of the script_content_string
version: version_object of the script
provenance: array of Liquicert provenance objects with attestations matching the cid above
local_path: in the context of a given machine, the local path to the script file. Should not be published, in general.
increment: default version increment, 'major' / 'minor' / 'patch'
Port Object
An object with keys:
id: randomly generated id for this port object; must be a string that is unique within the namespace of input and output ports for this script
name: human readable string
type: type_object
Function Object
Extensible object for defining a function, which may or may not be a wrapper for a script. Has keys:
id: str starting with a '#'
name: str
inputs: array of port_objects
outputs: array of port_objects
definition: Object with keys
method: str chosen from Function Table
content: definition of the function based on method value
The id labels of all input and output ports for a single function form a name space, and must be chosen to avoid collisions.
Function Table
Ways of defining transformations in Pop(plæ)r
Connection Object
A connection object connects two ports in the context of a script. The ports may be script input ports, script output ports, or the ports of functions contained in the script. The connection object has keys:
from: id of a port
to: id of a port
data: CID of a data_object
The id of a port will be prefaced with the function id if it is a port of a function. For example, "#prt_globalInput" might be the name of an input port in this script, while "#myfn_id.#prt_functionIn" might be the id of a input port.
Execution Method
A representation of an execution method used for this function. Used to signal to the user whether this function is expected to be run locally, in a compute cluster, in a browser, on a blockchain, or in another context. The schema for execution_params depends on the value chosen.
Expected to be run on a desktop or laptop computer in the Cherty app
An execution method should be interpreted as a recommendation to the user, which may be necessary to follow if your computation needs to be reproduced efficiently or exactly. It should be possible in principle to run any given script using other methods, but it might crash your browser or use an unsupported VM.
Definition of the recommended computing environment for a script.
Runs in an anaconda environment defined by explicit list of conda dependencies
Environment output with "--explicit" flag
Type Object
Extensible object for defining data types. Has keys:
type: str
method: str
Example #1: {method: ‘mime_type’, type: ‘application/json’} for MIME types
Example #2: {method: ‘poplar_type’, type: ‘float’} for primitive types
Last updated